Becky Jo Calhoun
The Calling of my Soul (Angelic Lightworker training workshop)
Join Becky Jo, the Wholeistic Healer and HayHouse author of "The Calling of My Soul" on a journey of self discovery into the higher part of yourself. Learn how to hear your spirit guides, angels and higher self.
So you are awake? Now what? Now that you realize there is so much more to your soul journey here on Earth than you were originally taught; are you looking for guidance on how to align with your higher calling? Do you have a strong overwhelming feeling that you are here for a much larger purpose? Maybe you have been seeing "Signs" that your Angels and Heavenly helpers are trying to communicate with you; but you are not sure where to start?
The Wholeistic Healer's purpose is to light the way for others to align with their soul's purpose by sharing her journey of darkness to light.
We’re all equipped with an intricate and highly tuned inner guidance system, which we can regularly tap into using our intuitive abilities. Although we receive messages in different ways, we all receive them, even if we are not tapping into them. Some of us feel things, while others see or hear them. It’s important to determine how you receive messages and work on strengthening that sense if you want to deepen your intuition.
This is a Light worker training workshop to help you recognize how your personal guidance system works for you. Step on to this unique journey of tuning your intuition for the the highest good. Learn how to communicate with your angels and guides, how to trust your guidance, and how to apply it to your life in order to transform your life and the lives of others.

Saturday, November 6 Room B
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm